Tuesday, March 19, 2013

I'm so exhausted that if I close my eyes or turn my head too fast I get disoriented. Its like being drunk, only cheaper. And in small doses.

Today was the day of not eating. B didnt finish a single meal. Imagine a mother yelling at her 5yo to STOP eating her veggies and just eat her mashed potatos, spaghetti, pancakes....we went through a lot of juice, but at least she didnt go low until almost bedtime.

Its been rough. I need some wine and a pillow. The nap I had planned was skipped when the sleeping baby woke up as soon as Bella fell asleep.As soon as he fell back to sleep the phone rang and it was time to wake her up.

I need to do that thing where women who just had a baby stay in bed and do nothing but nurse a baby for a few days. I have nothing intelligent to say its been a long stressful day. If I'm lucky I can get the baby to sleep and a bowl of cereal for dinner.

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