Not a bad day, not a good one. And well its really hasnt been an actual day, its been weeks.
We went to Camp Kandu, a day long camp for kiddos with T1D. It was awesome, but man, it was exhausting! B was able to kick us parents to the curb and run all over the place with a flurry of other kids, and adults who are also diabetic. I still dont think she has realized that last part. That every kid there ( for the most part) was just like her. T wasnt very cooperative,but that might be asking a bit much for a 3month old. Hopefully in the fall he will be a little less demanding.
I really dont have much to say, tomorrow is Mothers day.... can I just stay in bed all day, nurse the baby when needed and only crawl out of bed at dinner to find a clean house? :) That right therr is every moms dream!
BTW- who the hell in Russia is reading this thing?